What's Needed

Message from Our Minister

Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White

With Love,
Rev. Mary White



From “Meditations for Mediocre Mystics: Inspiration for the Spiritually Homeless and Hungry” by Tom Stella

Most of us are pretty responsible. We do not refuse to perform the sometimes-difficult tasks that come with our roles at work, within our families, or in the broader community. We may procrastinate when it comes to doing what we dislike, but eventually we roll up our sleeves and get the job done. There is, however, a difference between performing difficult tasks and embracing them. When we fail to willingly engage those aspects of our life we find distasteful, life can become a chore – a burden rather than a blessing – and we become both tired and resentful.

We always have before us the choice between burden and blessing. Each day is filled not only with situations and relationships we take delight in, but also those that drain us. How we deal with the “tough stuff” makes all the difference. The Roman sage Seneca once said, “Let us train ourselves to desire what the situation demands.” If we take his wise words to heart, every annoying person, every odious task, every frustrating interruption, everything we wish we could wish away, can be considered pieces of a puzzle without which our life would not only be less interesting, but less complete.

 Soup & Bun

Sunday January 22nd following worship.


 From “Beating Hearts and Butterflies: Poetry of Wounds, Wishes and Wisdom” by Christine Evangelou

Heart Clarity 

We all heal in our own unique and soulful way

Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to forgive 

And this only destructs us more 

Forgive or don't forgive 

Your choice 

It's your hurt to work through 

It's your wound to mend 

But clearing your heart 
as to how best befits you 
is what truly matters 

It matters that your heart 
finds its own path to peace

The clarity to breathe 

To love, to live 


Without the guilt or 
the shackled chains of regret

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please Join us this Sunday, January 22nd


God’s Love Abounds You Inside & Out


With all that we are we affirm that we are made in God’s image, befriended by Christ, empowered by the Spirit.

With people everywhere we affirm that there is Goodness at the heart of humanity planted more deeply than all that is wrong.

With all creation we celebrate the miracle and wonder of life, the unfolding purposes of God for ever at work in ourselves and the world.

– Excerpt from Iona Abbey Worship Book