Show Compassion to Those in Need

Good Evening and Blessings

What a good day this has been with warm sunshine to greet us. This is a reminder that “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” – as Julian of Norwich stated.

It is an opportunity for us to practice our patience.

Having the ability to let go can be troublesome for some, but good lessons about the self can be learned.

We are called to be church and I for one am thankful that we at Powell River United are versatile and are able to bend when the need arises.

I am also grateful that we are a congregation who are open to trying new ways of doing church.

Together we are stronger and we shall overcome any trials and tribulations that come our way.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

An Excerpt from A Song Of Faith Creed • United Church Of Canada, 2006

Because his witness to love was threatening,

  those exercising power sought to silence Jesus.

He suffered abandonment and betrayal,

  state-sanctioned torture and execution.

He was crucified.

But death was not the last word.

God raised Jesus from death,

  turning sorrow into joy,

  despair into hope.

We sing of Jesus raised from the dead.

We sing hallelujah.

By becoming flesh in Jesus,

  God makes all things new.

In Jesus’ lifeteaching, and self-offering,

  God empowers us to live in love.

In Jesus’ crucifixion,

  God bears the mistakes, grief, and suffering of the world.

Holy Creator

We remember on this Good Friday the cruelty that still exists in our world.

We ask that those who are in positions of power soften their hearts and show compassion to those in need.

As we continue in this situation of solitude, may we be blessed with the opportunity to relate to others with loving-kindness.

As we recognize and accept, to receive all that sustains our life, a dependence on others, may we be released to give with open hearts.

Let this be a time for reconciling tensions within and may we come to a place of peace.

We ask this as we continue to be people of hope. We hope!

In faith we pray.
