Feel Whole Again

Good Afternoon and Blessings

I am praying that you are finding ways to keep busy which I know can be difficult.  We like our habits so hopefully you are creating new routines that get you through the days. I will be taking Fridays off just to have a break from my routine.

I appreciate the jokes, they put a smile on my day.

Next Sunday May 3rd, we will be celebrating the sacrament of communion.  I will remind you again later in the week to have your bread and wine or juice ready for the table. We are still connected as a community of faith and it is our faith that will see us through.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

An excerpt from the United Church Of Canada Creed  “A Song Of Faith”

We sing of God the Spirit,

  faithful and untameable,

  who is creatively and redemptively active in the world.

The Spirit challenges us to celebrate the holy

  not only in what is familiar,

  but also in that which seems foreign.

We sing of the Spirit,

  who speaks our prayers of deepest longing

  and enfolds our concerns and confessions,

  transforming us and the world.

 Prayer Of The Day

Holy of Holies,

of brokenness and of wholeness, of strength, courage and wisdom.

We are grateful for the strength to endure

life challenges;

for the courage to bear that which threatens our stability;

for the wisdom to understand that life involves fluctuations and challenges.

We look to you for the grace to withstand the unfamiliar and new circumstances.

Surround us with your healing Spirit to help us feel whole again.

In hope and faith we pray.
