Remain Faithful

Good Afternoon and Blessings

I know we feel that we have had enough time out from each other. But, time apart can be a positive experience.

We all need rest from our routines and I too need rest. Although my vacation plans this year, are now abandoned until who knows when, I will be taking my scheduled time off. 

So, I will be “away”, sort of, from May 27th until June 16th.  There are plans in place for Sunday Service to continue.  I will remind you again in a couple of weeks.

I continue to keep you all in my prayers.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Isaiah 63:11-14

Then they remembered the old days,
    the days of Moses, God’s servant:
“Where is the One who brought the shepherds of the flock
    up and out of the sea?
And what happened to the One who set
   the  Holy Spirit within them?
Who linked arms with Moses’ right arm,
    divided the waters before them,
Making him famous ever after,
    and led them through the muddy abyss
    as surefooted as horses on hard, level ground?
Like a herd of cattle led to pasture,
    the Spirit of God gave them rest.”

Prayer Of The Day

Creator Of Days

How long must we endure the loneliness of this isolation?

We long for gathering as a faith community, for the worships, fellowship and friendships.

We remember when life was easier with routines that kept us on solid ground with few surprises.

You, who remain with us through the hardships and the joys of life, be our strength and mainstay through these, sometimes, tedious days.

Help us to observe this as our time of rest.

We pray for the power to persist until the time when we gather as community.

In the name of Christ we remain faithful.
