Strength of Love

Good Afternoon and Blessings

As I think about how much waiting I have done in my lifetime, it’s never been comparable to what we have been experiencing. I thought I would share this poem with you:


By Mary J White

The lines are long

Temperatures rising

Dressed in window dressings

Not for sale

Spaces and distances

Too far for dancing

Senses on the alert

Not for touching

Vultures overhead

Circling the victims

Deprived of worth

Waiting for saving

Hovering over existence

Lost from the present

Memories hanging on

Waiting for planning

Faith is the carrier

Clinging to hope

Love found in transition

Waiting for sharing

Keep safe, keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary

Genesis 8:7-12

He sent out a raven; it flew back and forth waiting for the floodwaters to dry up. Then he sent a dove to check on the flood conditions, but it couldn’t even find a place to perch—water still covered the Earth. Noah reached out and caught it, brought it back into the ship. He waited seven more days and sent out the dove again. It came back in the evening with a freshly picked olive leaf in its beak. Noah knew that the flood was about finished. He waited another seven days and sent the dove out a third time. This time it didn’t come back.

Prayer Of The Day

How much longer must we wait, Liberating One?

As we sometimes feel trapped in isolation, give us the patience of Noah who, in his waiting, continued to cling to his faith. Fill us with hope that we will be set free to be together in fellowship.  Embrace and surround us with your healing Love. In the name of Christ, we continue to wait. Amen.