Closely Connected

I hope you are all well and keeping connected.

Hi Everybody,

Like you, I feel very thankful to Rev. Mary and our Navigation team who faithfully face many big deadlines and challenges to keep our church family safe, connected, hopeful and positive.

Unexpectedly, the depth of my thankfulness was put to the test! Along with others I was asked if I would consider writing a few daily messages. I cringed. These messages are to be fill-ins for Rev. Mary's offerings of soul food which nourish us daily. The very thought of writing such messages made me feel extremely insecure--I could get it all wrong.

A worrisome turmoil took place in my head and heart: "I'm too old for this much thinking" vs. "Lots of 90-year-olds have written whole books" and "This is not my type of writing" vs. "A challenge can be an opportunity" and "These messages will take a lot of time and work" vs. "Remember, Rev. Mary has written almost 60 daily messages without a break!" The head talk continued back and forth.

As I struggled with this challenge I heard a voice from the past. During the Vietnamese Refugee crisis our church discussed possible involvement. Most were very concerned about the cost. Then our minister challenged us with whether we were asking the most important question. Perhaps instead of "Can we afford this mission?" we should ask "Is this the right thing to do?" We prayed, voted for involvement--and the money and volunteers came!

I realized that I, too,had been asking the wrong question. When I honestly faced my dilemma I knew what was the right thing to do. And I knew I would not be alone. God would help me think and write through this challenge. Even before I started writing I felt at peace.

And a little whimsy--

We're fortunate at PRUC to get encouraging music from Rev. Mary & the Navigators Rock Band! They have been playing for us during the last 2 1/2 months of isolation. And like all bands they need time out--the vocalists need to rest their voices, the bugle blowers' lungs need a 'breather' and the whole band is plain tired from standing for so many hours. They are looking for substitutions while their leader, Rev. Mary, is taking a long overdue and much needed break. Of course everyone in our church is some part of the band. Some give a little ping on a triangle, others a blast on the bassoon--diverse sounds and styles. That's what makes the band so great--it's our band. We all play our part--I'm going to try colouring outside the lines with my writing. What part can you play?

Let's commit to a good isolation habit--to phone or email someone every day -- and make their day!

Philippians 4: 6-7  (Good News Bible)

"Don't worry about anything but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart. And God's peace which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus."

What a wonderful gift and life-changer this is to have worry and fear lifted from us!

Prayer Of The Day

Loving God, Thank you for your promise to be with us always. Help us keep closely connected to you for guidance, wisdom and strength in this challenging time of isolation.

And help us to stay regularly connected to others. It is vital for us all--for our well-being.

Thank you for all the leaders and volunteers in our church that serve with love. And as we try our best to take care of each other, thank you for encouragers who support others that want to help.

And we pray for a special time of peace, rest and replenishment for Rev. Mary and Grant.

In Jesus' name we pray.
