The Flow of Grace


During this time of isolation and social distancing, I have been working from home.  Whether I am trying to focus on my work tasks during the weekday, or trying to catch up with yard work and other chores on the weekends, I find myself forgetting a simple practice of self care now more than ever: drinking enough water.  We have enjoyed some very warm days, and the heat of summer will be coming upon us very soon.  Drinking water throughout the day is very important to all the systems in our body and brain.  I find myself thirsty in the evenings, and then I know I have neglected this need during the day.  Being thirsty can cause a funny feeling in the head, and some discomfort in the body.  Being in need of water does not feel that great to us, overall.  

We can also thirst after other things that are missing in our lives.  During these Covid-cautious days, one thing we might be thirsting after is having connections with each other in person.  Some days I feel that way emotionally – just not quite right and not sure why.  I think it is a kind of emotional thirsting after personal interactions, thirsting after seeing people like you.  

We can be thankful to God that this time of being alone will not be forever.  I think of the disciples and how they must have felt to have been separated from Jesus.  I look forward to this Sunday when we will celebrate the wonderful gift Jesus sent for his disciples, including us, to help us all to know we are never alone.

J O H N • 7: 37-39 (New Living Translation)

On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds,

“Anyone who is thirsty may come to me!

Anyone who believes in me may come and drink!

For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.” 

(When he said, “living water” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him.  But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered his glory.)

Creator God • Prayer of the Day

Thank you for the gift of another day.  Thank you for the gift of your Son, and the gift of your Spirit.  Help us to remember that when we feel thirsty, when we feel a yearning and a need for comfort and companionship, we can always reach out to you in prayer.  Thank you for the gifts of friendship and fellowship.  May we continue to learn and experience new ways of staying connected with each other, and also with you.

In the strong and loving name of Jesus, we pray.
