Filled With Grace

Good Afternoon and Blessings

Hopefully you were able to get out today for a walk or to work in your garden or just have some quiet time on your step. We all look forward to better days together.

We are doing our part to help make the most of staying healthy.  Good job! 

If you plan to join us for meditation this evening at 7:30, go to the Powell River United Church website and click on the link.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Psalm 104:14-23 (MSG)

Oh yes, God brings grain from the land, wine to make people happy, Their faces glowing with health, a people well-fed and hearty. God’s trees are well-watered— the Lebanon cedars were planted. Birds build their nests in those trees; look—the stork at home in the treetop. Mountain goats climb about the cliffs; badgers burrow among the rocks. The moon keeps track of the seasons, the sun is in charge of each day. When it’s dark and night takes over, all the forest creatures come out. The young lions roar for their prey, clamouring to God for their supper. When the sun comes up, they vanish, lazily stretched out in their dens. Meanwhile, men and women go about their work, busy at their tasks until evening.

Prayer Of The Day

Creating Creator

There are days when we feel that we are living our lives in the shadows.

We long for the days when we are together again as family and community.

May we appreciate the gift of sunlight and feast on its uplifting rays.

May our days be filled with grace and truth in the possibility that we can move forward in hope.

Help us cherish that you are closest to us when we are feeling most vulnerable.

We pray this in the name of Christ.
