Make a Joyful Noise!

Message of the Day

What a blessing it has been to have three of our own musicians providing the hymns for our on-line church services!  

Music has played a key role in expressions of faith through all ages and cultures.  In the Judea-Christian tradition, it has filled synagogues, churches and mountain-tops since the beginning of our collective history.  One has only to check Google to find multiple listings like “100 Bible verses about music”.  The great cathedrals have featured massive pipe organs and plentiful space for choirs.  The hymnals contain songs for every season, celebration, life event, and emotion.

We are fortunate to be able to play CD’s and downloads of music whenever we feel like it, and have enjoyed listening to other United Church choirs adding their voices to our worship.  However, there is something very special about hearing our own Brenda, Del, and David each week.  Whether we sing along or just listen, it ties us to our own community of faith and brings a sense of the familiar in this strangely disconnected time.  Thank-you to all three for this gift!


“… be filled with the Spirit.  Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord …”

~Eph. 5:18b-19a

“Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”

~Ps. 100:2


God who touches earth with so many kinds of beauty,

We thank you for the gift of music, and for the musicians who share it.

Help us each to recognize the special talents you have given every one of us,

And to find ways to use these to your glory,

As we seek to serve those around us with love.
