Finding a Way Through

Message of the Day from Wendy Barker

The other day, I was cleaning out our RV after another pleasant sojourn at Willingdon Beach.  As I made up the bed, I heard a buzzy insect beating itself madly against the window, trying to find its way out.  Less than six feet away, there was an open door through which it could easily have flown.  I tried to herd it in that direction, but it was intent on smacking its head repeatedly at the glass.  It reminded me of that old definition of madness — “doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result”.

I wonder how often I have been like that insect, blindly and repeatedly using my energies towards some unachievable goal, or letting my mind race in circular thoughts — instead of looking in a different direction and trusting God to guide me into new and more creative and fulfilling pathway. 


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.  Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.” 

~Prov. 3:5-6 (New English Translation)


Loving God,

Forgive us for the many times we insist on doing things the same old way instead of looking for the way you would want us to go.

Forgive us for the many times we insist on looking at our world, or our neighbours, or our problems, in the same old way instead of opening ourselves to new perspectives and new ideas.

Help us to put our trust in your assurance that you are indeed our Shepherd, and you can lead us beside still waters, restore our souls and show us new paths of hope and understanding.
