Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Evening and Blessings
A pod of whales entertained us yesterday and brought to mind our oldest daughter, Kendra who loves the water and water creatures. During camping trips, as a child she would look for the murkiest swamp to wade in while searching for water life. And then there was the time she came up out of a lake with about forty leeches clinging to her body. Kendra giggled as she pulled each one off her skin. I love her curiosity and enjoyment of exploring.
I wonder when we last explored in or under something like a rock or a rotting log to see what lives there.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Reading Excerpt from: Annika Spalde “A Heart on Fire”
Feeling Joy
We discover the beauty of life over and over again. Our experience of creation is intensified by practising presence and wonder. We feel gratitude for all the beauty and complexity that is creation around us. More and more appears as holy to us: the goodness of ordinary people, a moment of silence during a walk through the woods, the loyalty my dog shows me. We appreciate and enjoy all that we have for free – it is the antidote to the frenzy of consumerism. (To say that we are content with what we have is rather revolutionary today. The forces that encourage us continually to consume more and more would call it dangerous.)”
Spirit of the World
In the beginning, you blew existence into all living things and we are the result of your breath of life. Help us learn from and be more like young adults who are stressing the importance of recycling and purchasing from pre-loved and consciously sourced stores (second-hand stores). Encourage us to consume less and enjoy the freedoms that we have in the cosmos. May we experience and feel the joy of our moments without dominating creation. May we appreciate and value the goodness we receive from others who provide us with loving care. Hear our prayers.