Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Evening and Blessings
I am grateful to those who yesterday attended our High Tea/High Coffee virtual social. For me it fulfilled a longing for coffee time following Sunday church services. It was a time for community. We enjoyed tea/coffee, sweets, laughter, and conversations. We have decided to continue gathering.
If you are interested in a virtual gathering please let me know and we will set up another community social.
You may discover that you can reconnect with your friends to have a social tea/coffee.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Reading Excerpt from Joyce Rupp “Essential Writings”
Core of Community
With You as the nucleus
Of every group that gathers
Differences are respected
And tensions are overcome
Those speaking from the edge
Gain a listening ear
Compassion thrives
Egos maintain a low profile
With you as Core of Community
Peace abides and love abounds
Today: The Core of Community affects my relationships.
Spirit of Relationships
We have been created in likeness of the Triune God to be in communion with each other. More than anything else during this exile, we miss being together with our families, and our faith community. Place within us the understanding that we can be safely together. May we grasp this opportunity to eliminate this pandemic isolation. Give us new beginnings in this new year.
We pray. Amen.