Timeless Mystery

Remaining Faithful Message from Reverend Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

How often do we read something and think that because it is written, it must be true? Or give over our power to someone we believe to be an authoritarian figure? Because someone wears a uniform such as a police officer or a collared religious minister does not make them a medical expert for example. The same is true for all that information about every topic on social media. The spirit realm is very personal and is unable to be measured in scientific terms. We each have our own experience and relationship with our Higher Power. We believe through the power of faith, and are called to serve with love.  

Stay safe. Stay connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary

Reading Excerpt From: Kathy Galloway & Katharine M. Preston

Living Faithfully in the Time of Creation

In our post-scientific age, where the world and our knowledge of it has become domesticated and documented, we at times find it difficult to live with questions. We crave after sound bites and answers we can access at the tap of our fingers, in a world where information overload is king. But the journey of faith is not something that can be rationally explained and empirically categorised, but only comes alive when we open ourselves up to the mystery of God, who doesn’t usually appear in clarity, but speaks from within the whirlwind of our doubts, questions, and fears, and doesn’t come with easy answers. Instead, we are invited to be drawn up into the timeless mystery of God’s love. 


Mysterious One

Arise into our concerned hearts and damaged world with the healing embrace of your creating grace. Through your wisdom may we go deeper in our search for knowledge with you as our guide. May we be your operatives, in restoring beauty and justice to this broken world

In faith we pray.
