
Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

Sawubona! is a Zulu greeting that translates to “I see you” which goes deeper than hello. “I see you” is declaring that the person in me sees the person in you.

It is a statement of respect for the individuality of the other. Soul to soul. 

When our well-meaning ways are imposed on another, our actions are suppressing and dismissing them. It is not our responsibility to tell someone else how they should live or what their needs are. They can articulate those needs very distinctly.

We can further comprehend how we serve by beginning with asking the Jesus question from Mark 10: 51

“What do you want me to do for you?”

Or another question may be “Is there something I can do to help you?” We can serve with Love and all that entails.

With Love,
Rev. Mary White

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

The other day I was waiting at a stop light with another person. We commented on the weather and shared our preferences regarding the various seasons such as enjoying the cooler weather, but not liking the rain, enjoying the sun in summer, but not the intense heat, etc. As we parted and went our separate ways, the other person said, "I'm just so glad we have such a variety!"

God certainly does give us variety in creation. Whether it is the seasons, themselves that are different, or the variety inside of each season, we can be entertained and find enjoyment when we notice the differences around us.

This week the parent tot video has these songs: Higgledee Piggledee, This is the Way, Peace Be With You, Sing a Song to God, and I Can Feel You Near Me God. There is a discussion about fall leaves and the reading of a poem.

The Family Fun video has This Land, Corner Master Store, Blindman, and Draw the Circle Wide. There is a reading about ‎the use of the Cedar Tree by First Nations people.

I invite you to sing along with me.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading Excerpt from “Seasons of the Spirit, Fusions”

A busy clergy person stood in a cashier’s line, growing increasingly impatient as a woman exchanged coupons for groceries and had purchases scanned. When the woman’s purchases exceeded her resources, she methodically eliminated items one at a time until the purchased items met what was in her wallet. 

Impatient, and needing to be at a church meeting, the pastor placed money on the counter to make up the difference. His action was more for his benefit (so he could be on his way) than the benefit of the woman. The woman continued to return items from her basket, one at a time. Confused and somewhat annoyed that someone in apparent need would refuse this such a charitable response, the pastor asked why the gift was not welcomed. “But you did not ask me,” came the reply.

Poem: Collecting Light by Deborah Cooper

I see the way the chickadees take turns at the feeder.

I watch a neighbour take her husband’s hand.

I see the way the sun will find the only interruption in dark clouds, to toss this amber light across the pines.

I see a row of cars stop on the road, until the orange cat has safely crossed, then take off slowly, should she change her mind.

I watch the way my brother lifts our mother from the wheel chair to the car, the shawl he lays across her lap.

I save up every scrap of light, because I know that it will take each tiny consolation every day to mend the world.

The Everybody Deserves a Smile project has begun organizing for Christmas 2021. We are asking our congregation to knit socks, toques, and mittens for adults -- partially wool material is best and we will accept purchased items. Sizes medium to extra large are best.

Also we are asking that you gather toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, combs, brushes, and feminine sanitary products--tampons and pads. 

When we are ready, invitations will come out to join in making cards and painting bags.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, October 24th

Experience the uplifting, healing and transformative power of Prayer

Spirit of Love

Open our hearts to see the individuality of the other in our presence. May we not be too quick to intrude on another without first respectfully asking if they would like our help.  May we set aside our own agenda and personal needs in order to serve others passionately. Help us to see with acceptance and loving kindness.  

We pray this in the name of the One we know as Love.
