Meditate Within

Message from Light of God Ministry

Good Day and Blessings!

Somebody once said 'if the devil can't make you bad, he'll make you busy'.

There are a lot of good and busy people in our community who have taken the time to sit in silence and meditate.

Sitting in mediation can be a time to calm the busy mind, relieve stress, and connect to a deeper part of ourselves.

Each Friday at 6:30pm, PR United Church will be holding regular 30 minute meditations.

Please feel free to join any time you'd like to let go of the burdens of the week, and connect to the kingdom within.

With Love,
Dr. Jeremy Buhay

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

This Sunday is called Reign of Christ Sunday and it is a good time to remember the ways we can bring more of Christ's vision into the world. Kindness, fairness, peace and love for all are things to strive for. 

The Parent-tot video this week has a story about sharing and a story about being kind. The songs are: The More We Sing Together, I Hear Thunder, From My Head Down to my Toes God Made Me, The BIBLE, and Jesus When the Sun Goes Down. 

The Family Fun video includes a reading about First Nations peoples' use of the Maple tree, and a story about being anything. The songs are: Kum By Ya, Doe a Deer, Like a Rock, I'm a Happy Kid, and Over My Head.

Kind Regards,

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading Excerpt

Meditation is Both a State and a Process

The State
According to the Indian yogic system, we experience three ‘normal’ states of consciousness, waking, dream, and deep sleep. Deeper than these, yet threading through them is a fourth state, known as ‘turiya’ (lit., ‘the fourth’). This is the state we access in deep meditation. Coexisting with all our other levels of experience, it is also the source of them, and it is filled with power, intuitive wisdom, and joy. It is also called the Heart, rigpa (expanded mind), pure consciousness, shunya (emptiness), super-consciousness, witness-consciousness, the highest reality, the inner Self (as opposed to the empirical, personal self associated with the body and personality), and the state of God-consciousness. 

The Heart state has three main qualities: 

  • It is always present, (though often hidden!). For this reason it is often described as ’pure being’, or sat in Sanskrit. We do not have to attain it, because on the deepest level, we are it.

  • It is aware, conscious, awake. For this reason, it is sometimes described as the witness, or ‘pure consciousness’ (Sanskrit, ‘cit.’)

  • It is innately joyful. For this reason, it is sometimes called ’pure love’, or bliss (Sanskrit, ananda)

The Process 
As a process, meditation is the act of sitting quietly with our spine erect, and focusing inward. Since there are different forms of meditative practice, the technique itself is less important than the act of inward attention. It is the inward attention itself that calls forth the meditation state.

Excerpt Written by Sally Kempton

Poem: Going Home

by Dennis Warren

Deep inside of us, we are already complete, already healthy, already exactly as we are supposed to be. We are an interrelated and inseparable part of a perfect universe.

We have difficulty seeing and feeling and touching and hearing this perfection from years of being told and believing otherwise. Our vision has become clouded, our feelings dulled, our touch numbed and our hearing faint. We no longer trust ourselves.

To cut through this situation and return to our true nature, we need to simply direct our attention inward. We need to sit and meditate. By quieting our minds and opening our hearts, we touch that place deep inside of us that is already whole.

Once we reconnect with this source of balance, our life begins to change. We begin to listen to ourselves with care and attention. We seek guidance from within and receive direction.

Once we reconnect with this place of inherent wisdom, we begin a journey back home. We begin to trust ourselves. We begin to heal ourselves.

The Everybody Deserves a Smileproject has begun organizing for Christmas 2021. We are asking our congregation to knit socks, toques, and mittens for adults -- partially wool material is best and we will accept purchased items. Sizes medium to extra large are best.

Also we are asking that you gather toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, combs, brushes, and feminine sanitary products--tampons and pads. 

When we are ready, invitations will come out to join in making cards and painting bags.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, November 21st


Experience the uplifting, healing and transformative power of Prayer

Prayer by Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Lord, quiet my heart and still my soul as I wait on you during these moments alone. I recognize you as a holy and majestic God—one who deserves great praise and glory. All of creation testifies to your awesome and unique works. There is no one like you, no other god worthy of honour. 

I want to focus on You, Lord, and to shut out all the distractions of the world. For these next few moments, it’s just you and me, God. You are Spirit, but you are a God who knows us so intimately. I like to imagine you literally sitting here beside me, because of your promise that you are Emmanuel—always “with us.”

As I think about the truths in your Word, may the meditation of my heart be sweet and honouring to you. I am not trying to clear out my mind. I simply want you to empty me of self and fill me with your Holy Spirit.
