Illumined Heart

Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

“Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if we cannot be happy in the most basic and ordinary ways, if we cannot touch one another and the life we have been given with our hearts.”
– Jack Kornfield A Path with Heart

Whether we shop for spiritual enlightening books online, in a bookstore or borrow them from your local library, nearly every one promises us the highest most extraordinary divine experience. In our search for spiritual growth, we tend to overlook the fact that although we can benefit from some of the practices offered, these books are a big part of advertising campaigns. According to Jack Kornfield, living a spiritual life is not about “seeking or gaining some extraordinary condition or special powers”. If we are focused on seeking a spiritual life, then we are overlooking the true self and are getting caught up in society’s worldly pull. We are called to travel our path with heart which is bonded to our deepest Love and is right here within each one.

With Love,
Rev. Mary White

Coffee is Now Being Served

Please join us after Worship Service in Trinity Hall for Coffee with store-bought cookies, and servers being the only ones to handle the cream and sugar.

People are invited to wear masks until seated, and to keep to the tables as set up in order to maintain safe groupings and distances.

The Everybody Deserves a Smile project has begun organizing for Christmas 2021. We are asking our congregation to knit socks, toques, and mittens for adults -- partially wool material is best and we will accept purchased items. Sizes medium to extra large are best.

Also we are asking that you gather toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, combs, brushes, and feminine sanitary products--tampons and pads. 

When we are ready, invitations will come out to join in making cards and painting bags.

Returning to the Healing Oasis

Excerpt from Sharon Moon

In scripture, the heart is used as a metaphor for the core self. Marcus Borg, in his book “The Heart of Christianity”, has a wonderful chapter on the opening of the heart. He discusses the biblical understanding of the heart as the image of the self at a deep level, as the spiritual centre of the total self.

When our hearts are open, Borg says, we are able to see more clearly with eyes opened by Spirit. We are able to understand more deeply because our hearts are opened to sense beyond the surface. When our hearts are open, we are more connected with gratitude, with compassion, with wonder and awe. When our hearts are open, we remember God and know that we are created to walk in The Way of justice. Where our heart is will determine where our life’s centre will be, where our life’s energies will be directed, where our resources of time and money will be invested.

Fragments of Your Ancient Name

Excerpt by Joyce Rupp

Quiet of the Heart by Edward Hays 

Quiet of the Heart, you are
Calm as a falling feather,
Serene as dusk's fading light,
Tranquil as the opening rose,
Restful as a cooing dove,
Gentle as the softening rain,
Hushed as a sleeping babe,
Peaceful as a blade of grass.

When I cease my foolish pace
I enter your undisturbed stillness.
Today: Quiet is in my heart


Theresa Reid will be celebrating her 92nd Birthday on Dec. 3rd

If you want to send your Birthday Wishes please Email Sharlene

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, November 7th

Experience the uplifting, healing and transformative power of Prayer

Prayer by Kate Mcllhagga

Holy Spirit

Come like a mother to tend the wounds of a hurting world. 

Come like a lover to inspire the unloved.
Come like a worker to labour for justice and peace.
Come like a child to open our eyes to Pure Love.

Come like a sister to support us in our need. Come with power and tenderness to rule our hearts. 

And so be it.
