Sing With Love


Good Afternoon and Blessings,

This is the time of year when we can roam the aisles of grocery, department, and local stores singing out loud. When hearing Christmas Carols being piped over the speakers, that’s exactly what I do. My Spirit rises, expands through my throat into song. There is something chant like and melodic about Carols and I can’t help but sing. As we shop, imagine if people took their earplugs out and everyone burst into song. This would join all our spirits as our voices unite universally.

John L. Bell, musician/songwriter from the Iona Community, once told me that everyone can sing. So, what is keeping you from singing out loud?

Stay safe. Stay connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary

Reading Excerpt From “Gobsmacked” by Thom Shuman


We’ve lost the art of singing, I’m afraid. There was a time in our past when people were singing all the time. Fathers sang lullabies to their babies, mothers sang ‘My Lord, What a Morning’ while getting ready for the day. Families sang around the dinner table, or in the family room in the evening. People sang while building bridges, working at a lathe, sweeping the front porch, weeding the garden, doing laundry, mowing the lawn. Whether it was hymns or a show tune, a psalm or a pop standard, people went around singing. But not anymore.

Nearly a century ago, John Philip Sousa remarked, ‘What will happen to our voice now that they’ve invented the phonograph?”


Gift Giver of composition, and our love of singing, we are grateful for all who share their personal musical gifts. Jack Kornfield wrote “When love moves through us it inspires all we do.” May we be inspired to sing joyfully as the Spirit moves in each one.
