Pure Being

Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

Children are their own beings not to be possessed by parents. We dream of the best for our children and often project our desires on to them, and to our disappointment, they will follow their own path, their own calling. We are not able to control their soul which belongs to the cosmos power and is meant for the future. It is not our responsibility to interpret their dreams for them, we can only provide the basic necessities of life, support and Love. We have our own path and dreams to interpret and follow.  If we are blessed with children in our lives, we are blessed with a different perspective of the world and opened to receive the pure Love and joy they lay upon us. We all have much to learn from the very young.

With Love,
Rev. Mary White


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Hattie May), and Santa’s Elf (Hazel), participating in the Santa Clause parade.

‎Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

This is the second week of Advent and the focus is on peace. I love to be up early this time of year to sit alone in the dark living room with my first coffee and have the tree lights on. It is nice to gather some peace in preparation for these busy days. It can be useful to encourage our children and youth to give themselves some down time as well and take a few moments to remember that Jesus came to bring, Peace on earth, and goodwill to all.

The Parent Tot video has a story about the angel speaking to the shepherds, as well as these songs: Jingle Bells, It's About Peace, Still, Still, Still; Peace is Flowing Like A River and Silent Night. 

The Family Fun video has a poem about the angels and shepherds, as well as these songs: Light One Candle; Mary's Boy Child; I've Got Peace Like a River; Away in a Manger; I am the Light of the World. 

Peace to you.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading The Baby

 Excerpt from Donna Sinclair, “The Long View”

When a baby appears in your dream, pay attention. Something new wishes to be born in you. Something innocent and full of potential, something sacred that could change your world.  It’s good to note which of your many selves is holding the child. (Yes, you do have many people within you: an elderly man, a mother, a wife, a queen… That’s why Jungian analysts won’t do group therapy. They are already dealing with so many voices.)  If your dream-child is in the hands of a wicked witch or a corrupt king like Herod, you might wish to get to know your own inner witch or tyrant. Perhaps they have something to teach you. Sometimes brutal dream-selves turn into benign fairy godmothers, when addressed. They want attention, and to be allowed out of the shadow.  Look carefully at the baby’s setting, if it is clear. If the child seems impoverished, like another baby we hear a lot about this time of year, the dream might be attempting compensation for a life too rich in the wrong things, or unconcerned with the vulnerable.  There’s a lot of ways to look at a baby. Especially if he or she is found in song or dream at Christmas time.

This year’s Christmas Pageant is a come and participate pageant. It will be inter-generational, and everyone is invited to dress up either as an angel, a shepherd, or be just as you are.

The participants will have no spoken parts, and will enact what we hear in the story read by the narrators. To dress up, come to Trinity Hall between 10:30am and 10:50am so we can all go into the Sanctuary at 11am. We ask that everyone over 2 years of age wear a mask, and hand sanitizer will be available.

If you have any Pageant questions, please email Marilynn Davis: Click Here

Poem We Meet at One Point

A Blessing Excerpt from Ruth Burgess 
Moments of Our Nights and Days

We meet at one point,
at this intersection of our days,
one moment of your lives.

And here and now,
within this place,
the image of your love
stands clear before us.

Welcomed, we witness,
sharing your joy,
sending you forward
with love and support.

May your love grow and deepen.

May you look back to this time,
this moment,
and say that it was good.

Go, then, to the rest of your life,
and go in love.

  – Andrew Pratt


To Meditate is to turn your Awareness inward towards Itself, and to realize the Kingdom of Heaven within.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, December 12th


Living Spirit

We are appreciative for the gift of new life that brings Love, hope, and joy.

We believe in the dignity and value of all human beings, of all ages. We ask for blessings on the young, their playing, their maturing, their knowing, their journeying. May all life be filled with the expression of the highest and most gracious ideals of mind and spirit.

We pray that all, through their decisions and life, will help to build an equitable world. 


Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada