Love Thy Neighbour

Exploring Our Faith with Reverend Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

How often do you greet others (depending on who they are) in a manner based on your frame of mind? 

“Love your neighbour as yourself” is the commandment that guides us toward right relations.  

This directive begs the question: ‘who is my neighbour?’ If we all conclude that my neighbour is anyone with whom I come in contact, then we fulfill our innate need to be in relationships and greet others from a place of Love. 

Stay safe. Stay connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 

Reading Excerpt from David Sharp “Power for Life” 

Day 16: God, what would you have me say and do today?  

Be sensitive. Feel others’ pains, challenges, and burdens. Forget your own today. Be there for those who may need to be heard and understood. When you ask others, How are you? ask compassionately, with true concern for their welfare, happiness, and peace. Smile with your eyes. Allow the gate of your willingness to swing wide open. Make room in your heart so you may hold the hurts of those you live and work with. During casual conversations and chance meetings, extend a sweet spirit that invites others in. Then I will perform a perfect work through you. A smile, a nod, a loving word, a gentle touch, a silent attentiveness: your very presence will be a gift, a healing, a blessing, a miracle. 


Spirit of Gentleness 

You have gifted us with the breath of life and the innate aspiration to be in relationships. Let your sweetness flow from our being to welcome with compassion friend and stranger. May we embrace in our heart all who we meet on our daily paths.  

In the name of the One joining us in community, we pray.
