We Are All One

Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

When considering taking time for the self, some may think that we have been doing that throughout the pandemic.

We have in many circumstances been alone during this time but, I wonder, how many of us actually and purposely sit in quiet solitude? Getting away from it all can take us down a path of soulful exploration.

Life has been defined as a glimmer of mindfulness between two profound tranquillities. The time before birth and our fate beyond this life are impossible to realize. 

What we know deep within is that life here on this sacred planet is too valuable and too fleeting to live in a mindless, unadventurous manner that keeps us uninformed of better and deeper opportunities.

We are visitors, having a break on a journey, a people on the go, and when we dance to the beat of a different drummer, when we live in harmony with our Higher Power, I believe we attain the utmost value of the mystery of life with which we have been gifted.

With Love
Rev. Mary White

All Are Welcome with Love


Dear Friends,

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day and what a wonderful idea to encourage people everywhere to demonstrate kindness to others. It might be interesting to ask our children and youth for their ideas on the many ways we can brighten the lives of the people around us. Our young people often have very creative thoughts about how to reach out either to their peers, or to adults in their lives who they perceive as being in need.

Enjoy some special heart warming conversations in your home about this topic and let us all continue to share kindness as often as we can, each and every day, going forward.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading ~ Power for Life

Inspirational Guidance for Daily Living
by David Sharp • Day 17

Creating One, what would you have me say and do today?

Make room. Give space for others to be together without you.

Today, let go of any need to be needed.

Let your ego take this day off.

Relax. Be alive without needing, wanting, or desiring.

Forgive the parts of you that find this difficult.

Embrace them without resistance or guilt.

This is how you grow.

Doing this will expand your soul in a beautiful way.

New vistas of spirit will come into view.

Take them in and let them fill you.

If you can do this, you will feel more able to love unconditionally.

Make room. Give space today.


Friday Night Meditations • 6:30pm

Powell River United Church • 6932 Crofton Street

Poem: Winter Vacations – Margaret Atwood

How quickly we’re skimming through time, leaving behind us a trail of muffin crumbs and wet towels and hotel soaps like white stones in the forest.

But something’s eroded them: we can’t trace them back to that meadow where we began so eagerly with the berry-filled cups, and the parents who had not yet abandoned us to take their chances in the ground....

Our tropical clothing’s remorseless: it fully intends to outlast us. We’re shrivelling inside it, leaking calcium from our bones....

Despite all this we’re travelling fast, we’re travelling faster than light. It’s almost next year, it’s almost last year, it’s almost the year before: familiar, but we can’t swear to it.

What about this outdoor bar, the one with the stained-glass palm tree? 

We know we’ve been here already. 

Or were we? 

Will we ever be?

Will we ever be again? 

Is it far?

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please Join us this Sunday, February 20th

May you continue to live your spiritual path fully through the skill of your attention and the power of your heart.

~ Rev. Mary White


Spirit of Life, Strength, and Hope

Lead us to calm our ways and heal our wounds.

Renew our will to preserve ourselves, and restore us from the dishonour of over-manipulation to feed our ego.

Guide us into wisdom, restraint and care for our community, our home, that we may use it gently to supply our need, free from the extravagance of chasing external desires.

This we pray in the name of Love for all.


Navigation Team January 27th Meeting Minutes

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Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada