Inner Longing

Full of Faith Message from Rev. Mary White 

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

With all the trappings that we encounter on a daily basis, we begin to believe that what we have is not good enough. And we, therefore, logically conclude that we are not good enough. Defining ourselves by what we have will soon dissolve with the deterioration or loss of things we hold close.  

Who we are is not what we possess. And we can make a difference in our life by letting go of the materialistic power that our society holds over us. To be content with all we have, gives us a freedom that opens the spirit within for us to live the way we were intended. 

Stay safe. Stay connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 

Reading Excerpt From Tom Stella

“In Sync with the Sacred, Out of Step with the World” 

I believe that we make gods and goddesses of other people because we are made to be in the company of angels; heaven is our home even as we walk the earth. And although our fantasies reveal something about our spiritual nature and are, therefore, to be valued, it is best not to dwell on them but, instead, to embrace the sober reality of our lives and the holiness of our discontent. 

It has been said that what each one of us reaches for may be different, but what makes us reach is the same. What we think will make us happy varies from person to person depending in large part on the messages we have received and the values we have learned from family, peers, faith communities, and society in general. But the inner longing for fulfillment that fuels our reaching, the hunger for wholeness, the craving for gratification, the homesickness for what is ultimate is universal, for each one of us is essentially spiritual; each one of us is made to have it all. 


Living Spirit  

May we remember that things do not define who and whose we are and your presence is constantly within us during the joys and the struggles of life experiences. Along this gifted journey, may we find the positive in all that life places before us. May we observe life as lessons to be learned and Love to be shared. With open hearts, we pray.
