Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White
With all the news media choices and diverse reporting on the same topics, it becomes more difficult to know who is speaking the truth. Even our history books are written by authors who are biased. People have their own interpretation on battle outcomes or election results. Many can witness the same accident with as many diverse accounts on what was observed. I recall my son at about age ten believed to be true any thoughts that entered his brain. It took a lot of discussions before he came to the conclusion that just because we think something doesn’t mean that it is true.
Competing for viewership numbers, some reporters will convey the news from a judgemental perspective. Such reporting tends to skew the information so that the listener or reader begins to question the truth of the material being communicated. My solution in the search for truth in reporters’ contributions is to listen and read with care, thoughtfully coming to my own conclusions.
With Love
Rev. Mary White
Sunday May 15th • 11am In-Person Sunday Worship • All Are Welcome with Love
2021 A.G.M. Minutes
Thanks to all who attended the Annual General Meeting last Sunday. To download and review your copy of the meeting minutes: CLICK HERE
Please Join Us
Coffee is on after church so bring your cup and join us in Trinity hall. Don’t worry if you forget your cup there are compostable cups available.
Reading from Zen Taoism Buddhism Thich Hanh Dalai Lama
The Lie said to the Truth, “Let’s take a bath together, the well water is very nice.”
So they got naked and bathed.
Suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth.
The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back.
But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt.
Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame.
Since then, the Lie runs around the World dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy...
Because the World has no desire to know the naked Truth.
—by Yog Raj Sharms
“I would rather be true than false, and wrong than right.”
– Unknown Knower
Poem: The Twilight of the Gods from Margaret Atwood’s book “Dearly”
Pale mauve, pale rose, pale blue,
quirks of the atmosphere:
a bleached Easter.
We gods preside at our own altar.
Hawk face of an older man,
a crone’s tyrant jowls.
Lots of jewels.
Offside, lone fisherman in a metal boat
flings away shark parts:
a flurry of beaks and wings....
Do we have goodwill?
To all mankind?
Not any more.
Did we ever?
When the gods frown, the weather’s bad.
When they smile the sun shines.
We smile all the time now,
smiles of the lobotomized,
and the world fries.
Sorry about that. We got stupid.
We drink martinis and go on cruises.
Whatever we touch turns red.
The Flea Market was great fun, and a great success!
On behave of the church, I would like to thank everyone: sellers, buyers, volunteers, bakers, gardeners, poster distributors, communications, bookkeeper and floor mopper.
I believe the final numbers will come close to $1000. It was a great day full of fun, and was so good to be working together again. It was suggested we have another Flea Market in the fall.
❤️ Marilynn Davis
PRUC Online Worship Service • Please Join us this Sunday, May 22nd
“Through the blessing of your heart, may the world find peace.”
~ Rev. Mary White
Spirit of Truth
Save us from a religion of mere words: from repeating pious phrases which have lost their meaning; from uttering empty prayers which have no soul; from calling Jesus ‘Lord, Lord’, when we fail to own his autonomy.
We pray that the truth may come into our lives not only in what we say but also in the power of the Spirit, and that our love may not be a matter of words or talk but be genuine and show itself in action. Help us to mean this prayer as we ask it in the name of Christ.
-by Frank Colquhoun from Zondervan “The Book of a Thousand Prayers”
Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada