God of Our Being

Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings

We live with appreciation and continue prayers for all the front line and essential workers. Let us remember and keep in our thoughts and prayers all those whose employment has become obsolete or nonessential at this time. I believe that the majority of people would prefer to be working but are restricted due to this pandemic.  Let them know that they are appreciated for who and whose they are and are not forgotten.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Not Working

by Jan Berry

When hopes and dreams meet repeated rejection,

when years of education and training seem worthless,

when qualifications litter the road to nowhere:

God of our doing and being,

give hope and vision.

When jobs and relationships crack under the strain,

when daily activity is stress and pressure,

when the load of work is too much to bear:

God of our doing and being,

give healing and peace.

When purpose and identity fall into the chasm of unemployment,

when there is no longer a structure to the day,

when gifts and skills acquired over years seem redundant:

God of our doing and being,

give meaning and a sense of worth.

When the computer is switched off and activity ceases,

when the tools of the trade lie idle on the work bench,

when the calendar is blank of meetings and appointments:

God of our doing and being,

give rest and refreshment.

Excerpt From: Ruth Burgess.
“Moments of our nights and days.”

Prayer Of The Day

Restoring Creator

You are a resurrecting force bringing new life into the world. Through the seasons You show us that life is change. Sometimes the changes come too quickly, and we need time to adjust. Give us the strength to live fully in transition times.

Saving Christ

You have shined your Light on us and have shown us the Way of Love. We are grateful for the lessons learned. We now ask for the power to reflect on the Love we have been given and project that Love beyond ourself.

Comforting Spirit

You encircle each one with reassurance and hope for a welcoming future yet unknown to us. Grant us the courage and wisdom to trust in our Higher Being to see us safely through life’s journey.

We pray this in the name of the Triune in One.
