Nature Will Lift Your Spirit

Good Afternoon and Blessings:

In preparation and practice for Communion on Easter Sunday, April 12, I attempted to make a loaf of bread. Well, that didn’t work –the dough didn’t rise, hotter water is the goal for next time.  So I’ll try again another day. There is well over a week to accomplish this. I refuse to give up.

My good news today is that I was gifted with the sight of a pod of whales. It always brings hope whenever wildlife of the sea shows their liberating magnificence.  As a reminder, do take advantage of the nice weather and go out to enjoy the beauty of nature. It will lift your Spirit.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Ezekiel 17:22-23 (Living Bible)

The Creator says: “I will take a tender sprout from the top of a tall cedar, and I will plant it on the top of Israel’s highest mountain. It shall become a noble cedar, bringing forth branches and bearing seed. Animals of every sort will gather under it; its branches will shelter every kind of bird.

Prayer Of The Day

Creator of creation – here, in the rhythm of the waves on the shore,

in the beauty of the rocks rounded by the flow of water

in the regularity of the rings in wood 

in life on the earth, in the air and in the water

your inspiration survives through each of us

In all that You have created –
both the natural world 
and through all our relations with one another – 

may we always be motivators and good stewards.

Continue to shine light through the darkness as the Spirit continues to expand within and through each one. We pray.
