The Beauty of Your Grace

Good Day and Blessings

Now that I cut my hair, my next focus will be on an exercise regime. I need to take a few days to contemplate this one.

I was just on a Zoom conference call with the General Council Secretary, Nora Sanders. This was through the Pacific Mountain Region weekly town hall meeting. It is reassuring to know that we are supported in so many ways through the United Church Of Canada. 

They are working to ensure that all Congregations of Faith remain functioning through this COVID-19 experience.

If you are interested in having a meditation experience, it is available on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:30pm.

I hope to see you this evening.


Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Proverbs 1:1-6 (The Message Bible)

A Manual for Living
These are the wise sayings of Solomon,
    David’s son, Israel’s king—
Written down so we’ll know how to live well and right,
    to understand what life means and where it’s going;
A manual for living,
    for learning what’s right and just and fair;
To teach the inexperienced the ropes
    and give our young people a grasp on reality.
There’s something here also for seasoned men and women,
    still a thing or two for the experienced to learn—
Fresh wisdom to probe and penetrate,
    the rhymes and reasons of wise men and women.

Prayer Of The Day

Help us to recognize, Creator God, you with us, you within us, you above us and you below us.

May we always walk in the beauty of your grace.  May we know your love and share it with our neighbours. May we find peace in knowing that all we are experiencing in these days of what seems like exile will not last forever.

We pray this in the name of the One who understood all aspects of human life and gave all he could.
