The Light That Shines Within

Good Day and Blessings

We are experiencing another good day. The light continues to shine within. 

Today is World Health Day. Let us continue to pray that all the caregivers remain in good health so that they can continue to provide loving care for those who need healing.

We are grateful to all those working in grocery stores and pharmacies. They are essential workers yet many remain at minimal wages. 

I am grateful to Powell River United Church Navigation Team who continue to provide support for the church. They are a professional group with expertise in their call to ministry. 

Some of you were not getting the daily prayers online but hopefully the new congregational list that was sent out today will correct that oversight.

Remember, beginning this Wednesday at 7:30 pm Mars Constantinu will be leading meditation. If you would like to join us online, please follow this ZOOM link .

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

An Excerpt from A Song Of Faith Creed – United Church Of Canada, 2006

Jesus announced the coming of God’s reign—

a commonwealth not of domination

but of peace, justice, and reconciliation.

He healed the sick and fed the hungry.

He forgave sins and freed those held captive

by all manner of demonic powers.

He crossed barriers of race, class, culture, and gender.

He preached and practised unconditional love—

love of God, love of neighbour,

love of friend, love of enemy—

and he commanded his followers to love one another

as he had loved them. 

Prayer Of The Day

Creating God

We thank you that life has joy, life has challenges and life has moments that we can seize.

It is variety that makes life fascinating and brings us to a place of learning.

May we continue to know when to let go of all that holds us back and limits us.

May the Spirit remain around, through and in us as we continue to serve with love. ❤️

In the name of the One we call Brother. 
