Help Me Reset

Thoughts for the Day, from Elaine McDonald

“With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years a day”
2 Peter 3:8

If it’s one thing I’ve learned about myself during this Covid lockdown, it’s this:  “I’m a great procrastinator”.

When this all started in March, I was certain I would get a lot of things done that I had been putting off all last year. Well, guess what? I haven’t.

Don’t get me wrong. I have accomplished some things, but usually I can think of an excuse not to do it. March was too cold and wet. April was more of the same. I did get a lot done in May. Most of it outside in the garden.

The only reason dad’s workshop finally got half-way done is we are converting to gas and the workers have to be able to get to the wall to install the new gas lines and water heater.

The one room I had cleaned out (2 years ago) is now filled with all the stuff I have moved to make room for other stuff. (I honestly think it morphs into larger piles during the night.)

Sometimes I lie in bed at night and make lists in my head as to what I might do the following day. Great! I will get a lot done. I have a plan. 

Come the morning and it’s “Nah, don’t feel like doing that today.”

There maybe 24 hours in a day, but the hours are shorter now and those 60 minutes zoom by when you’re feeling a little guilty having done nothing but get up and goof off till it’s time for dinner.

Maybe this was the plan all along.  Maybe I’m just recharging my batteries. 

Nah, it’s just procrastination, and it’s definitely worse on rainy days.

So today I accomplished this little article and it is a rainy day, so I don’t feel too bad that nothing else is accomplished (except dinner and paying the property taxes).


Dear God, Help me to reset my internal clock every night and to keep me mindful of others. Keep them safe.
