The Spirit of Love

Daily Message and Prayer from Rev. Mary White

Good Day and Blessings.

Quite often when someone who doesn’t know me discovers that I am a woman of God, there is a shift in how they speak to me. Suddenly, God is mentioned and remembrances of childhood church attendance are shared. I have been verbally attacked and had some walk away from me. On the other hand, I have had friends, relatives and others come to my defence by explaining that I have a different understanding than some other church leaders.

How do we as Ministers, as Christians, transcend the negative, judgemental impressions held by those who have had undesirable, sometimes harmful, experiences within the church?

A number of those who are disillusioned with religion probably feel the same way author Ann Rice did when she stated: “I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.“

Although I don’t reject being Christian nor do I reject Christianity, I am on side with Ms. Rice and all her “anti” refusals. I believe that most people are searching for a community that practices what it preaches. They are not throwing out their beliefs but rather are looking for a place that embodies the Spirit’s love and acceptance in non-judgemental, practical and meaningful ways.  

I firmly believe that we each have an individual relationship with our Higher Power and no human can tell anyone what that personal relationship is like. The Spirit is not meant to be boxed-in, and nor is our Higher Power meant to be defined.

Church is community, a place where we know we belong, we believe and where people come together to Serve with Love.  God is Love. 

Rev. Mary

PSALM 119 105-112 New English Translation

Your word is a lamp to walk by,
and a light to illumine my path. 
 I have vowed and solemnly sworn
to keep your just regulations.
I am suffering terribly.
O Wisdom, revive me with your word. 
 O God, please accept the freewill offerings of my praise. 
Teach me your regulations.
My life is in my hands continually, 
but I do not forget your law.
The wicked lay a trap for me,
but I do not wander from your guidance.
I claim your rules as my permanent possession,
for they give me joy. 
 I turn my heart to do your will
at all times, to the very end.

Prayer of the Day

Holy Spirit

It is through you that we are called to be spiritually vital. It is through you that we are motivated to expand our wonderings and self-awareness. Illumine our life path so that our choices reflect compassion and loving-kindness. Help each of us to be a non-judgemental presence for others. And turn our hearts so that we are your representatives at work for the benefit of all.  

We pray this in the guidance of the Triune One.
