Among the Rocks

Daily Message and Prayer from Wendy Barker

Recently, I had some time for contemplation as I wandered the rocky shoreline below Willingdon Beach trail at low tide.  I picked my way carefully over the rocks, testing each foothold before daring to give it my full weight.  Between wobbly rocks and my own lousy balance, I made very slow progress.  There were a few little shells and treasures among the rocks, and some slivers of sandbars where I was able to relax my vigilance and enjoy the stranded bits of sea life.  But I did find that it was necessary to stop and look up periodically in order to maintain my direction. 

This struck me as an interesting comparison to our lives, both individually and as a community of faith.  There are rocky times when we must concentrate on the issues of the moment, in order to avoid pitfalls.  There are times when things go smoothly, and we are able to relax into the journey.  There are treasures to be experienced along the way, both in the rocky places and in the smooth ones.  But unless we stop periodically and check our direction, we risk going off-course.  The stopping is an essential part of it; if we try to take the long view while still proceeding on our merry way, we risk a serious stumble.  At the same time, we can’t just stay stationary and look longingly towards our destination; if we want to get anywhere, we must pick our way through the down-to-earth details and daily challenges, and continually adjust our course.

We had a similar realization at our last Navigation Team meeting.  We were discussing how best to plan for future activities in this Covid-19 era, and one member pointed out that we can’t really do long-term planning; we have to keep stopping to reassess the current situation and our general goals and direction, and then readjust our course and find our way over the stones, looking for the treasures and blessings along the way.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. ~ Prov. 3:5-6 (NIV)

Let the morning bring word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. ~ Ps. 143:8 (NIV)


O God, in whom we live and move and have our being,

Help us to remember that you are with us in both the rocky times and the smooth;

Remind us to look up and recognize the direction in which you have us go;

Teach us to appreciate the joys and treasures along life’s path; and

Inspire us to find ways to support others as we journey together through these times.  Amen.