Agape Love

Daily Message & Prayer from Reverend Mary White

Good Evening and Blessings 

Agape love is my favourite kind of love. Those who experience Agape love are selfless and attends to the well-being of others. It is a love that is true and unconditional; it is the epitome of loving kindness, empathy and compassion. Agape love is so pure that by definition, there is no place for emotions, or feelings or romance. When we say, “God is Love” or “Serve With Love”, we are referring to Agape love and we as Christians are called to love others with Agape love

Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 

Excerpt from Jack Kornfield’s, “The Art of Forgiveness, Loving kindness, and Peace”  

Love and compassion are not the possession of any group or religious system. They are woven into our human spirit and our very cells. The only nourishment they require is our intimate and heartfelt attention. ~ The emergence and blossoming of understanding, love, and intelligence has nothing to do with any tradition — no matter how ancient or impressive — it has nothing to do with time. It happens completely on its own when a human being questions, wonders, listens, and looks without getting stuck in fear. When self-concern is quiet, in abeyance, heaven and earth are open.           By Toni Packer 

Prayer Of The Day 

Comforting Spirit, 

because of your Grace, each one of us has been inherently gifted with love and compassion. We can’t escape these basic human gifts. But, sometimes through life experiences we tend to put aside these precious qualities and become focussed only on our self and getting what we want. Take us back to those times of innocent curiosity. Through eyes of love and compassion, help us to see all of creation. This we pray offering our intimate and heartfelt attention for our family, community, country, and world. 
