What is True

Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

The Church season is changing, and we are preparing to enter a new Church year. This is an opportunity to start afresh, to be resurrected to a change in mindset, and to let go of prejudices that damage relationships. In his book, The Art of Forgiveness, Loving Kindness, and Peace Jack Kornfield says, “We can struggle with what is. We can judge and blame others or ourselves. Or we can accept what cannot be changed. Peace comes from an honourable and open heart accepting what is true.”

We are people of hope, and it is hope in others that gives us an open heart to accept all with understanding and Love.

With Love,
Rev. Mary White

Family Fun This Week

‎Dear Parents, Families, and Friends,

The season of Advent is right around the corner. This year I am wondering how I can try to bring the themes of each week more into our family's day to day living as we go through the preparations for Christmas. Hope, peace, joy, and love are wonderful values and wonderful gifts to share with each other.

If you have some ideas of how you bring these concepts to life in your traditions, please let me know and I will share your ideas through this newsletter and / or on the videos.

This week the Parent-tot video has a Peppa the Pig storybook as well as the following songs: The More We Sing Together, Jesus Loves the Little Children, The People on the Bus, and I Can Feel You Near Me God.

The Family Fun video has a reading about First Nations people's use of the red alder tree, as well as a story about an unlikely friendship. The songs are: You Are My Sunshine, Draw the Circle Wide, Feelin' Groovy, and I Am the Light of the World.

Take good care,

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Coffee in Trinity Hall on Dec. 5

If we have people offering to help by bringing the cookies/cream etc. or helping to serve, we could possibly have it twice a month.

If anyone would like to help with this important ministry they could contact Elsie Parsons at 604 485-9205.

Reading Excerpt From Our Hearts Still Sing by Peter Millar

Christians share in a deeply rooted hope, and, like the Jewish people, hear it resonating through the Bible. It is the kind of hope which is ‘an active virtue’ earthed in the amazingly rich trajectories of our souls. In scripture it is often poetically expressed, as in these words from the prophet Isaiah:

The Creator has filled me with the spirit, chosen me and sent me to bring good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to announce release to captives and freedom to those in prison.

To announce a year of favour.

To give to those who mourn, joy and gladness instead of grief: a song of praise instead of sorrow.


Poem Every Choice Matters • Rebeka Maples

Excerpt from “Autumn” by Ruth Burgess

I know now what I did not know then, every choice matters in the seasons of life.

Fall, winter, spring, summer, each affects the other each part intertwined in an inescapable web of mutuality.

One season leads into the other, one choice, one breath one sunset, one breeze affects all the others.

A quiet moment in the sun watching trees, chasing leaves as they fall, gathering fruit for harvest celebrations.

Every season makes the next one matter.

In the autumn of my life, I know now every choice matters.

Drawing for Phyllis • Love & Hugs from Addisyn

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, November 28th

Experience the uplifting, healing and transformative power of prayer.

Loving Spirit

Fill your people with hope for a future that enlightens and inspires. May we enter this new course with open hearts filled with Love, embracing all who cross our path. May we penetrate the coming of fresh beginnings cradled in hope. May we carry within us your grace which can change all lives, and your peace which can build bridges to others. We pray this in the name of the One known as the Prince of Peace.
