Truth and Reconciliation

Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

Today Canada is observing its first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This is a federal holiday created to honour Canada's residential school survivors, their families and communities and to publicly commemorate the impact and trauma endured by Indigenous people in Canadian residential schools.

If you are unsure what you can do, begin by educating yourself about the historical atrocities suffered by peoples of the First Nations and the issues they live with today.

In the Spirit of Love, please follow the link below to gather knowledge about Truth and Reconciliation as well as Indian Residential Schools. Then, share this information with family and friends.

With Love,
Rev. Mary White

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

Today we are starting a tradition by naming September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. There are many ways we can bring small acts into our daily lives to work towards building a positive relationship with First Nations people. Here are some ideas: acknowledging the traditional territory of the Tla'amin Nation where we live, attending cultural events, watching a movie that informs us about the Residential School experience such as Indian Horse which can be found on Netflix, reading a book written by a First Nations author, and learning some of the language of the Tla'amin people. The videos this week include an acknowledgement of territory, and some songs using the ayajuthem language.

The Parent Tot Video has a book called, First Words, and a book called, Barney Plays Nose to Toes, as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together; The People on the Bus; Hechis (Paddling); Mo-os, Mukin (Head and Shoulders); and I See the Moon.

The Family Fun Video has another story from the book called, "Unlikely Friendships", along with the following songs: To Be Alive; Like a Rock; Kwagahosht Hechis (Here we go Paddling); God Reaches Out to Us with Love; and We Are One.

Please enjoy these songs and stories.

Kind Regards,
Brenda Pielle

Reaching Out To Families
Powell River United Church

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Reading Philippians 1: 3-6, 9-10

 I thank my God for every reminder of you.  In every prayer of mine for you all, I have always made requests with joy, due to your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.

So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of bountiful in fruits from the soul.

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Poem Excerpt from A Song of Faith United Church of Canada

Each part of creation reveals unique aspects of God the Creator, who is both in creation and beyond it.

All parts of creation, animate and inanimate, are related.

All creation is good.

We sing of the Creator, who made humans to live and move and have their being in God.

In and with God, we can direct our lives toward right relationship with each other and with God.

We can discover our place as one strand in the web of life.

We can grow in wisdom and compassion.

We can recognize all people as kin.

We can accept our mortality and finitude, not as a curse, but as a challenge to make our lives and choices matter.

Made in the image of God, we yearn for the fulfillment that is life in God.

Experience the uplifting, healing and transformative power of prayer.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, October 3rd

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The Everybody Deserves a Smile project has begun organizing for Christmas 2021. We are asking our congregation to knit socks, toques, and mittens for adults -- partially wool material is best and we will accept purchased items. Sizes medium to extra large are best.

Also we are asking that you gather toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, combs, brushes, and feminine sanitary products--tampons and pads. 

When we are ready, invitations will come out to join in making cards and painting bags.

Prayer by Tom Gordon

Creator of the dawning, grant us hope for this day that we may walk in your pathway and live in your light.

Creator of the morning, grant us purpose to go forward to respond to the promise of opportunities to love and serve.

Creator of the noontide, grant us strength as we labour to serve, to keep our head high and fulfill our commitment to the task.

Creator of the rest-hour, grant us grace to be still, to know the healing balm of time alone, and to find you in the peace.

Creator of the evening, grant us space and time to let go of our responsibilities, to enjoy the pleasures of rest and the company of those we love.

Creator of the night, grant us the faith to face the darkness without fear, to know that you will hold us in the blessed sleep of time and eternity.

Creator of all our days, grant us the promise of days yet to come.

We pray this in the Spirit of Love.
