Advent of Joy

Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White

 Something to Contemplate…

With understanding the true self and accepting that together we are all in relationship, we have the opportunity to be authentic. With authenticity we are free to live into personal integrity. When witnessing injustices and oppressive behaviours toward others, we will speak frankly in defence of justice and fair treatment for all.  No longer will we be satisfied being one with the observing mob. As we accept only respectful treatment for ourselves, we expect the same respect for others. 

With Love,
Rev. Mary

 All Are Welcome With Love • In-person Worship • Sundays at 11am



Excerpt from “Field of Compassion” by Judy Cannato 

The more whole we are, the more vital will be our relationships. We will bring into our being with others a sense of self in which egocentric need is diminished and the ability to connect whole-to-whole is possible. I think this is perhaps where the life of Jesus is so helpful for us. We see the wholeness in his strength, conviction, and courage. He never seemed to relate to others except from a place of integrity, mutuality, and love. He taught with an authority that came from the knowledge of the Holy Unity, not from any need to control. Those who listened and were caught by his message responded authentically—because he himself was authentic.

Poem Excerpt

from “The Warriors Who Do Not Fight” – Alison Phipps and Tawona Sitholé

Daydreaming in the darkness
who shouted daybreak
in the middle of the night
that was just me
daydreaming in darkness
but when I’m awake
I see shadows of silhouettes
training for occupation
it was not real work
and it was not really working
yet words so convincing
looks so convincing
if seeing is believing
then I disagree with my eyes
who shouted liberty
in the middle of oppression
that was just me again
daydreaming in darkness
but when I’m awake
I see mixed messages
from the mixed-up messenger
and speeches lengthening
and lessons lessening
yet words so convincing
looks so convincing
if seeing is believing
then I disagree with my eyes
who shouted unity
in the middle of separation
that was just me once again
daydreaming in darkness
but when I’m awake
I see division and inequality
the mathematics of reality
even in another time
averages would be mean
yet words so convincing
looks so convincing
if seeing is believing
then I disagree with my eyes....

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please Join us this Sunday, December 11th



For too long churches have ignored or even colluded with the abuse of women. And there is a long history across cultures, throughout the world, of honour being valued above humanity.

God of all life, we pray for those who are killed or disfigured or maimed ……

Challenge us when we justify, confront us when we judge.

Enable us to stand up with courage.

Be in us with strength to intervene.

And so be it.