Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White
Good Day and Blessings!
You may have noticed that life seems to be more complex today than several years ago. No matter what our needs are, the choices are numerous. And most items tend to specialize with particular features. Everything from cough medicine to purchasing coffee can stupefy us with all the selections. I am grateful that we have only one God gifting us with Jesus who feeds the soul and lights our path to do what is right.
But we are given the freedom of choice. Choosing Jesus simplifies our life making other possibilities uncomplicated. We are asked to go the extra mile – to walk with others, to share our provisions, to veer off and visit the prisoner or feed the hungry. Being compassionate and spreading Love are not difficult choices.
With Love
Rev. Mary White
Sunday April 10th • 11am
In-Person Sunday Worship • All Are Welcome with Love
Reading Excerpt
From Step Gently in the World by Sally Foster-Fulton
So, we here today follow in a long line of holy protests. Jesus’ disciples claimed that real power and authority sat with peace: the ‘Son of God’ and ‘Prince of Peace’. And so do we.
‘So what?’ some might say. ‘So what if there were two parades – what does that matter?’
Well, I think it matters, because there are always two parades, aren’t there? … And we have to decide which one we’ll join.
When we choose to forgive – or not … we walk a certain way.
When we choose what we’ll do with our money, our energy, our love … we walk a certain way.
When we gather in the cold on the Saturday before Palm Sunday, standing in the footsteps of those who have protested for peace, justice, freedom and no nuclear weapons, we are choosing which parade we are joining …
There are always two parades in town … and the ever-present question is: ‘Which one will you join?’ …”
Something We CAN Do ~ for the people of Ukraine
We have been challenged to raise $1,000 in support of the people of the Ukraine whose lives have been devastated. As Nan Cornwall has said, “If every church of every denomination in Canada donated $1,000, think what a difference that could make!”
The United Church of Canada has already made a $250,000 contribution through their Emergency Fund, and will ensure that every dollar donated goes directly to emergency relief; 85% of the donation goes to the designated cause, and 15% is held ready for other immediate emergency relief needs. (Any administration costs are covered by our UCC Mission & Service Fund.)
Here are the ways you can contribute:
At church, using the sunflower bucket by the offering plate:
By cash or cheque made out to Powell River United Church, with “for Ukraine” noted;
Cheques or cash in envelopes with identifying information will be receipted.
Directly via the United Church of Canada website at
Let’s see if we can meet that challenge, and pass it along to people you know in other churches!
P O E M ~ The Journey
Excerpt from River Flow by David Whyte
Above the mountains the geese turn into the light again painting their black silhouettes on an open sky.
Sometimes everything has to be inscribed across the heavens so you can find the one line already written inside you.
Sometimes it takes a great sky to find that first, bright and indescribable wedge of freedom in your own heart.
Sometimes with the bones of the black sticks left when the fire has gone out someone has written something new in the ashes of your life.
You are not leaving.
Even as the light fades quickly now, you are arriving.
Attention Gardeners
Ian and Del are organizing a Plant Sale during the Flea Market on Sat. May 14th.
If you are starting any plants for the upcoming season we would appreciate it if you could start a few extra to donate to the plant sale. Donations of plants can be dropped off at the church on Thurs. or Fri. May 12th & 13th during office hours (10am - 2pm).
All proceeds will go to the church.
PRUC Online Worship Service
Please Join us this Sunday, April 10th
Experience the transforming power of prayer.
Wisdom Spirit
O God, when we encounter the two imposters ‘triumph’ and ‘disaster’, show us the truth once more. Give us the good sense to be neither puffed up with pride nor plunged into gloom. Pick us up and put us firmly on the narrow way that leads to freedom and redeem both our mistakes and successes in your abundant mercy.
by Angela Ashwin
Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada