Beyond Expectation

Something to Contemplate 

As time passes more quickly with age, I find that I am trying to fill my time with busy work—as if there is a rush to complete something. But now, I realize nothing is ever complete, there is always fluctuation and change. So, if we believe that the Creator will remain as we perceive, then we will be disappointed.  Our life experiences and egos gradually build a wall that blocks in our perception of the Higher Power. This wall stifles spiritual growth and interferes with our relationship. The Spirit needs freedom to expand and breathe, to change and move like the wind. 

Stay safe. Stay connected.  

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary,

Reading Excerpt

From “Prayer for people who don’t believe in God” by Vance Morgan 


Throughout scripture we find people looking for God without success, because the divine regularly fails to conform to our human expectations. What better way for the divine to establish that our expectations are often merely projections of ourselves than to simply not show up in the places and at the times we assume and demand? What better way to respond to our idolatrous tendencies than to seldom, if ever, engage with us in predictable ways and locations? The divine is always somewhere other than where we are looking. Over the years I have had many conversations with people at various levels of annoyance because God has once again failed to behave as expected. The only thing I ever have to say in such situations is something along the lines of “apparently whatever God is, God isn’t that.” I’ve said it often enough that I’ve come to believe it is just about always true. 


Gracious Creator most loving, we would not, even if we could, conceal anything from you, but rejoice rather that you know us as we are and see every desire and every motive of our hearts. Help us to strip off every mask and veil when we come into your presence, and to spread before you every thought and every secret of our being, that they may be forgiven, purified, amended, and blessed by you; through Christ we pray. Amen. 

– Charles Vaughan (1816 – 97)