Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White
This is election time for Municipal leaders, so prayerfully learn about the candidates and use your voting privilege to make informed decisions. You have a voice through the ballot, use it!
With Love,
Rev. Mary
All Are Welcome With Love • In-person Worship • Sundays at 11am
Dear Friends:
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your family and friends. Let's keep on being thankful each day for the gifts of life, love, and learning that we can take part in and share with others.
The Parent Tot video this week has a story about forgiveness as well as these songs: Now That it is Fall Time, It's a Happy Day, Thank you God for Giving Us Life, Old McDonald Had a Farm, and God is so Good.
The Family Fun video has a story about five women who were important for women's rights in Canadian history, as well as these songs: Don't Stop, Thank You Lord, This is the Day, Doe a Deer, Thank you Lord for Your Blessings.
Take good care of you and yours.
Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church
Reading ~ Being Reborn
Excerpt from A Heart on Fire by Annika Spalde
By trusting in God’s loving presence and through the openness/ emptiness the Night has created within us, something new is born. Actually, it isn’t new: the divine has existed within us all along, but now it can illuminate our life in a new way. The mystics call this ‘God’s birth within us’. In mystic literature it is described as a one-off event, a breakthrough, but I believe we all experience moments of this from time to time. Sometimes we just find ourselves there: self-consciousness has gone, care for others has taken over our soul and we reach out, our creativity flowing.
Mechthild of Magdeburg, a 13th century mystic, describes how God’s outpouring love can fill the whole person. When this happens, the love flows through us and out into the world. ‘Great is the overflow of Divine Love for it is never still. Always ceaselessly and tirelessly it pours itself out, so that the small vessel which is ourselves might be filled to the brim and might also overflow.’
What we hope for is that these moments will be more frequent and last longer as we follow this mystical path of engagement in life.
Flea Market • November 19th • 9am to Noon
There is still room for more Tables to be purchased for your goods. Open to anyone who has household items or crafts to sell for the Christmas Season. We are also seeking for donations for the Bake Table. Please have these donations wrapped and priced.
For details about table rentals, and bake table, please contact:
Marilynn Davis • Email
or Phone 604 487 9543
Sing With Us on Thursdays at 11am
Choir rehearsal time has been changed from 7:30pm to 11am every Thursday.
We welcome new singers to join us any time.
Poem ~ Between
Excerpt from Colliding with God by Richard Skinner
God is in the ‘and’ of you and me.
Not you, not me; but you and me.
Do not think of a static God:
there is no static God;
only action and reaction,
activity and response,
movement and relationship,
the ceaseless flow
between you and me,
the interplay in which
all cohere.
Do not think of a changeless God:
there is no changeless God.
Without change, there is no movement;
without movement, no relationship;
without relationship, no God.
The only constancy
is the constancy of change;
the moving out of all to all,
the flow and flux between
Blake’s flower and star.
Do not think of God beyond
or God within,
but God between;
for in the going between
is the movement of relationship,
and in that movement
there is God.
PRUC Online Worship Service
Please Join us this Sunday, October 16th
Friday October 14th from 6 to 8 pm in Trinity Hall.
Come enjoy a coffee, tea and assortment of dainties and stay for the excitement and fun of a spirited auction.
Bring along your friends and donated items to be auctioned.
$3 Entry Charge for Refreshments
The Results Are In From Our PRUC Summer Congregational Gathering
Thanks to all who participated in our Congregational Gathering held on July 10, 2022.
Your contribution of love and support for our faith community is invaluable. We thank you for your insights, prayers and shared aspirations for our future.
All of your responses have been distilled and collated into a PDF Report that can be reviewed in full detail online by clicking the button below.
In summary, the results that were identified have been itemized into 5 key areas of focus, which the Navigation Team will embrace as their guiding light for planning at future meetings.
The 5 key areas and priority points for focus are:
Spiritual Development
Growth and Sustainability
Acceptance / Openness to Others
Younger Generation
Thank you once again for your sharing and contribution. You can view the entire collated Congregational Gathering Report with all the results and details by clicking here:
All those faces, Creator!
Familiar ones in the house, strange ones in the street, each one made in your likeness yet none the mirror of another; family resemblances, yes, even look-alikes, but over millions of years, no duplicates.
What a craftsman you are creating different identities in such short space!
It is as if you were telling us that each one of us is special and loved as if there were no one else.
~ Ian M. Fraser