Fill the Universe

Message from Light of God Ministry

Good Day and Blessings!


Let us sit together in communion with the One who created all this. Let us contemplate the Creator’s infinite wonder. Let us Be one with our Creator, as in truth, the Creator has always been one with us.

Love, blessings and greetings from Tyler in Kelowna.

Sunday April 24th • 11am

In-Person Sunday Worship • All are Welcome with Love

Trinity Hall Coffee & Tea

Each Sunday after worship, we hope to reduce the kitchen work for volunteers, so as a gentle reminder please bring your own mug when you join us for tea and coffee.

~ Thank you

Reading Excerpt

Make New Determinations: Be What You Want to Be

by Paramahansa Yogananda

Do not limit yourself with the narrowness of selfishness. Include others in your achievements and happiness, then you are doing the will of God. Whenever you think of yourself, think also of others. When you think of seeking peace, think of others who are in need of peace. If you do your utmost to make others happy, you will find that you are pleasing the Father.

To live in harmony, to live with strong will power, to do the will of Him who sent you, is all you should be interested in. Never lose courage, and always be smiling. Have the smile of the heart and the smile of the face completely in harmony. If your body, mind, and soul register the smile of the inner consciousness of God, you can scatter smiles about you wherever you go.

Celebrating Easter

Flea Market Bake Sale Table

Lynn McCann has offered to look after a bake sale table. So donations of baking would be appreciated. Baking must be wrapped appropriately and priced. All the proceeds from the bake table will go to the church.

Poem by Rumi

I AM THINE & THOU ART MINE (trans. by R.A. Nicholson)

Eternal Life is gained by utter abandonment of one’s own life. When God appears to His ardent lover, the lover is absorbed in Him, and not so much as a hair of the lover remains. True lovers are as shadows, and when the sun shines in glory, the shadows vanish away. He is a true lover to God to whom God says “I am thine and thou art Mine.”

meditation night • fridays at 6:30PM

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please Join us this Sunday, April 24th


Dear Lord

When I pray, am I praying to you? Or is it you who is praying to me? When I hear words arise inside myself, is it you who is speaking? Is it you who is listening? Is it just a mistake we have made, to assume there is a me other than you? Is all creation your form? Is all existence only you? Have you been pulling the wool over your own eyes this whole time?


Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada